Tuesday 4 March 2014

Real Techniques Brush Collection

For the last 6 months I have been really getting into makeup tools and different brushes, and after some 'research' into what brands to buy, I decided a great starting point would be the Real techniques brushes, and how right I was.

I own 7 brushes from this collection, that I have collected over the last 8 months, and I will definitely continue to expand my collection. I wanted to write a little post, just showing the ones I have and reviewing them, to give others ideas and guidance on brilliant make up brushes that anyone can use.
The real techniques powder brush, priced at £12.99, this brush is amazing, its a large sized brush, which is quite fluffy, and powders the face instantly, I simply run this across my powder and lightly brush across my face, it takes away any shine, and because of the size it takes seconds to cover a large area of the face with powder, worth investing if you are a big powder fan.
I also own the expert face brush, which I use for my foundation. This brush is priced at £9.99, and is the best brush, in my opinion from the range. I simply apply some foundation on the back of my hand, dip the brush in and apply, buffing it around my face. This brush has short bristles and captures the foundation brilliantly, it adds great coverage and the foundation goes on flawlessly, using this brush makes applying foundation so effortless, its great if you're running late in the mornings.
The setting brush, is something I have only recently purchased, and I use this for contouring and highlighting on my cheeks. This is priced at £8.99, and has so many uses its amazing, this has a small brush, with thin bristles and is perfect for intricate detailing. I simply dip into my bronzer and sweep onto my cheeks to contour, and blend with the brush, then I use it to highlight the apples of my cheeks, I have also used this to blend in concealer under my eyes. This brush is so amazing, I would 100% recommend this. 
Next is the Blush brush, I like this brush, but its my least favourite from the ones I have. this is also £9.99 and is a large fluffy brush perfect for blush. The only negative point about this brush, is its not that stiff, so you have to really push the brush onto the powder, for it to pick up anything, however when you apply it to your cheeks, it goes on smoothly, and quickly.
Lastly, is the shading brush, I have three of these, I use for different colours, or brands of eye shadows I have. This brush is brilliant for applying eye shadow, it glides the shadow on easily leaving the eyes looking perfect in any light, it has thick plush bristles, which allows you to blend the colours easily and smooth the eyeshadow out. This is priced at £8.99 and is such a bargain.

Have you guys got any of the Real Techniques brushes?